
Monday, August 9, 2010

SCRAPtivity #10

This SCRAPtivity is a photo-op. That is, the opportunity of addressing the ever-growing, ever-increasing amount of photos that we “accumulate”. In the dark ages, we either kept rolls of film around forever – not knowing what was on the roll or keeping it so long that the film was so dark you couldn’t tell who was in the pictures. If and when they were finally developed, it was a surprise!

We are very lucky now in the digital age. Or are we? It can be a two edged sword. We used to have a mountain of develop photos to remind us to scrapbook. Now, we have them all neatly contained on a memory card or in our computer. We only see them if we look for them. Very easy to organize, very easy to forget!

So, this SCAPtivity is a challenge to dig deep and print out your oldest stored photos. Yes, yes, I know – it is always better to start current and go backwards. But, by digging deep, it will hopefully spur you on to print more and scrapbook those memories before they are disappear in our minds.

One mention about storing on home computers – dangerous! Computers are a very tempermental thing – one good crash of lighting and you can loose everything! A good backup system is imperative – like a separate hard-drive. Also, with all the online storage sites, they provide a safe harbor for your photos. I just pulled up (Inkley’s in Bountiful) and they have unlimited free storage, free prints when you sign-up, free sharing, and 1 hour pick up and the prints are 6 cents each. Just one of many that offer great services to keep your photos organized.

So, dig deep and create some lasting memories on paper this week – cause you can’t scrap it, unless you can glue it down! And remember, as you pick up those photos, immediately use the S.C.R.A.P. system to get them ready to be scrapbooked! (see SCRAPTIVITY #1)

Now - just a word about our retreat that is coming fast! We have 3 spaces available. So if you have anyone you have talked to that is interested, have them contact us.

Go scrap-it girls!

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